Cybersecurity Insight

Gooligan: The Next Threat to Android Users

7 Dec

A new type of malware is taking aim at tens of thousands of Android devices. According to various reports, hackers are targeting Google accounts linked to Android devices at an average daily rate of 13,000 smartphones.

Considered to be the largest Google account breach to date, Gooligan – the malware in question – initiates an attack and takes control of the Android device. From there, the access allowed by Gooligan gives hackers the ability to steal Google account information, install applications from Google play, and, most troubling, install adware on the device. As was mentioned previously, an average of 13,000 devices have been affected daily, with at least 30,000 applications installed on these attacked Android devices every 24 hours.

However, before you wipe your entire phone for fear that Gooligan has taken charge, make sure to note the following: the malware targets devices running Android 4 and 5, narrowing those potentially in jeopardy to 74% of the Android device market; on top of that, the vast majority are located in Asia. Google’s lead engineer for Android security released information detailing the company’s response to Gooligan – it is thought to be the latest variant in a long line of Ghost Push applications that have wreaked havoc in some shape or form for years. Ghost Push applications are being removed from the Google Play store, as well as fake applications infected by Gooligan.

Constant education and understanding of how to protect your online presence is paramount – Gooligan attacks are being addressed quickly by Google, both when they have been discovered on a device and even before they have taken control. It plays into the larger idea of cyber security management and monitoring for everyone from the single user to larger enterprises. With 24×7 security and notification from trusted and experienced cyber security professionals at Neovera, your Android device – and any others on your network – will stay safe and protected.