
How Often Should You Perform Database Backups?

3 Feb

Backing up critical data is an extremely important aspect of any business’ infrastructure, and technological advancements have made it easier to do so, thereby restoring your company to its normal status after data loss. However, many companies aren’t sure how often to back up their data, or what data to back up. We’ll answer those questions.

First, a database backup is essentially a direct copy of the data – a backup is used to recreate lost information or files within the database when the originals have been lost or corrupted. In many databases, as explained by Oracle, “this copy includes important parts of your database, such as the control file, archive logs and datafile-structures”; database backup is imperative in recovering your data.

Consider this: the second quarter of 2015 saw more than 4M samples of ransomware attacks, over 1M of which were new in comparison to 2014, and those numbers are only expected to increase drastically. A threat to both public and private sectors, hackers will hold your data hostage until they are paid in exchange for a key that frees your information. If you have these files backed up on a separate drive, they immediately become less important to you, making it less likely that you are willing to pay anything to the hackers in question. Even a few minutes of downtime can be detrimental to a large company or organization, so it is important that you can recover and restore the data as quickly as possible.

Ok, so you now know that backing up your data is a critical part of running a successful business. But how often is necessary when backing up your data? Another great question, of course, but the answer is not so simple. The frequency of backups should be tailored around your business requirements. If you’re unsure how often your organization needs to backup, you should rely on professional engineers to create a data recovery plan and perform daily data backups. Having backup management services in place not only protects the virtual investments you’ve work so hard to build, but also helps eliminate daily management risks while increasing productivity. Partners like Neovera can ensure your business runs smoothly and help you avoid the technology headaches.