Cloud Insight

Things To Consider When Deploying A Hosted Private Cloud

11 Jul

There are many reasons organizations just like yours are considering a hosted private cloud over other cloud solutions. Perhaps a public cloud does not meet security or regulatory guidelines, or maybe you don’t want to share server space and bandwidth with other users. Whatever the case may be, there are a lot of benefits to deploying a private cloud. Here are several things to consider before deciding if a private cloud solution is right for you.

One of the first things to consider about a private cloud is data privacy. Does your company store a lot of sensitive data? Public clouds are known as “multi-tenant” environments, meaning the server and storage is shared among other users outside your organization. While public clouds to have a high level or security, you may not feel comfortable sharing storage with other users in a multi-tenant environment. In this case a private cloud is your best option.

Something that goes somewhat hand in hand with data privacy is data storage. It seems like organizations are always asking themselves, “How much storage do we need? How Much will we need years from now?” One of the main benefits of a private cloud solution is the ability to expand storage as you go. As you collect more and more data, take on new business, or hire new employees your storage needs will increase. A private cloud is perfect as it allows you to easily provision more storage as needed.

Another element to consider here is capacity planning. You need to have a plan for how many users or applications you’ll be adding to your cloud; this way you can provision more computing power as necessary. If you don’t have a plan, your business could suffer from high-demand times if you’re not prepared with the proper storage or power.

Not only are privacy and storage capacity major parts of your data planning, but you need to be able to access your data at all times. This is a critical component to any fledgling or established business. Another benefit of a private cloud is the redundancy and failover protection that comes with it – meaning if a server goes down your data is automatically transferred to another. Something that goes hand in hand with this is backup and recovery where a private cloud provider will store and backup data in different data centers and be able to easily backup data and recover lost information.

Finally, and perhaps one of the most important aspects of provisioning a private cloud from a trusted cloud provider is the support that comes with it. Expert IT consultants and cloud hosts such as Neovera provide expertise in all areas of the cloud and application management. Even the best IT departments at top companies have trouble with capacity planning or monitoring for instance. This is where a private cloud host can really benefit your organization with their expertise. Not to mention you’ll get full support if you have questions or concerns as someone will always be available to make sure your cloud solution works the way it should.

Overall, a private cloud is a great way to take the strain off your technology departments and allow them to focus on growing the technology components in the business without losing time monitoring and tailoring things to your organization’s needs. Private clouds can also work in tandem with your own hosted solutions for things like application management, as some applications may work better in the cloud or vice versa. Finally, the cost associated with a private cloud are much less than that of doing things on your own, at least most of the time. These are what make the cloud so intriguing to many technology directors, CTO’s, and CIO’s, and a trusted partner like Neovera is here to make your IaaS dreams a reality.